Audiobook production made easy (Audiobook Academy)
Jonathan Hurley
Audiobook Academy
Date & Time
Friday, April 1, 2022, 9:50 AM - 10:50 AM

You will be shocked to see how easy audiobook production really can be even without a sound engineering background! Topics will include, preparation, using recording software, audio editing and final processing to industry specifications. Attendees will learn how to efficiently produce an audiobook and how to export the title to be used on all major audiobook platforms including ACX and Findaway.

• A visual demonstration of how to record a high-quality audiobook and save time on post production.

• Attendees will learn how to efficiently produce an audiobook and how to export the title to be used on all major audiobook platforms.

• Topics will include, preparation, using recording software, audio editing and final processing such as compression and EQ