Narration quality of life improvement, for the listener and for you (Audiobook Academy)
Jonathan Hurley
Audiobook Academy
Date & Time
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 3:20 PM - 4:20 PM

Demystify audio equipment and learn how to make narration that’s better to for the listener. Topics will include mic placement, breath control, tone/volume consistency, narration dynamics, eliminating noises, recording pickups, warm up exercises and how to prepare for good delivery. Attendees will learn to narrate efficiently while recording - cutting down on editing and post production.


  • Attendees will learn to narrate efficiently while recording - cutting down on editing and post production.
  • Audiobook recording made easy with the Hindenburg software.
  • Topics will include mic placement, breath control, tone/volume consistency, narration dynamics, eliminating noises, recording pickups, warm up exercises and how to prepare for good delivery.