Resolve to Grow Your Business with Accountability - Finding Your Accountabilibuddies
Jen Antkowiak
Date & Time
Friday, April 1, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The session begins with discussing how accountability partners/groups can grow your business, using specific examples from my own career. I will offer format suggestions (quick 3 question meetings - "What did you complete?", "What are you working on?", "What are you going to be working on?"), friendly competition ideas, connected accountability sessions (completing work you're putting off while connected via Zoom to ensure the work gets done), and more. We will also discuss the benefits of having a mix of talent genres/success. The second half of the session I envision a "speed dating for Accountability" segment where there will be timed mingling/exchanging of business cards/info. I would keep a master list of attendees which I could send out at the close of the conference (with the permission of each attendee), along with some of the ideas we discussed. Finding a VO you didn't know lived an hour from you is thrilling as well, so there would be opportunities for in-person groups down the road.