This breakout will be an in-depth look into rates, usage, negotiation, and understanding VO genres and how to quote them so voice actors can honor their value and operate their business from a place of authority! In this session, I will review the following: • GVAA Rate Guide 101: A review of the Rate Guide, recent updates, as well as tips for using it • Broadcast vs Non-Broadcast: Get an in-depth look into these VO genres, understand their difference in usage, and learn how to spot the differences between the two • Digital Usage: What is it exactly, what is its reach, and how should you quote it? • AI and VO: Is it here? What's the impact on rates? • Terms To Know: Understand the common lingo that gives you the clues you need in order to quote properly and honor your value • Questions to ask: What to ask your clients in order to get the information you need • Negotiation-Rebuttal Phrases: You’ve quoted, and your client responds, now what? Common rebuttal phrases you’ll encounter and how to respond to them to set yourself up to win! • Your role in solidifying rates and securing voice actor value for your business and the voiceover industry! • PLUS Q&A to answer your burning rates questions!! These areas will be covered in a power point presentation but audience engagement will be a focal point, using their questions and/or rates experiences as examples we all face as voice actors. Learning this vital information will give actors more confidence allowing them to run their businesses from a place of power!