Getting Noticed in :60
Session Type
Breakout Session

Date & Time
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Session Currently Live
Virtual Session Link
Session Materials (If available)
Everyone wants to be successful in voiceover. Whether you're just starting out...or an established pro looking to elevate your career, it all starts with a strong demo. So what are you going to do to stand out? In this session, attendees will get an in-depth look at things to consider when looking for a coach/ producer before working on a demo, ways to approach a demo to put your own spin on it, different ways to get that demo in the hands of agencies, and ideas and tips for turning that demo investment into $$$ (outside of agencies).
- Best practices in preparing to record a demo: ways to prepare, do's and don'ts, choosing brands/reads that are current and compliment your brand, the importance of being ready and being able to recreate the demo.
- How to make your demo stand out from the pack.
- Marketing ideas, ways to approach agents. **I'd be open to partnering up with an agent, casting director, coach on this. Have a few in mind***
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