Jeff Guillot Guillot |
Jamie Dupras Dupras |
Ryan Hicks Hicks | Pozotron
Gail Shalan Shalan | StoryLight LLC

Session Materials (If available)
Representatives from Deyan Audio (Jeff Guillot and Jamie Robert Dupras) and Pozotron (Ryan Hicks and Adam Fritz) will discuss best practices in pre and post-production. The goal of the session is to describe best practices from a number of industry leaders, including how best to leverage technology, inter-team communication, staff development, and other items to maximize efficiency and audiobook quality. The session will have numerous presenters and can also feature a round-table Q&A session afterward, moderated by Adam Fritz.
Takeaway 1 - How to best implement technology solutions into your production workflow
Takeaway 2 - Best practices for pre and post-production amongst production houses
Takeaway 3 - How to measure production efficiency and product quality
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