Rachael Naylor is a well-known British voice actor, actor, editor of The Buzz Magazine, presenter and host of The Voiceover Hour, organizer of GET YOUR GAME ON video game event, multi award winning entrepreneur, and founder of The VoiceOver Network.
Rachael set up The VoiceOver Network in 2015 in order to help, support, and strengthen the voiceover industry. VON is a membership organization for voiceover professionals around the world. They provide training, events, The Voiceover Hour webinar and podcast, The Buzz Magazine, online resources, help, support, and an amazing community all working together to make our industry better.
Rachael has embraced the business side of being a voiceover artist and she loves sharing this with others. She has won entrepreneur of the year for London and the South in 2014 and also the Best Business enabler award at the National Entrepreneur Awards in 2015.
Rachael is also an international motivational speaker and has helped inspire thousands of people around the world to follow their dreams.

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